Minggu, 09 Agustus 2020
Rarely, Researchers Find Two Meteorites in Two Weeks
Two researchers from Curtin University managed to find two meteorites in a period of two weeks in the Nullarbor Plain, Australia. The fall of these two meteorites was seen by The Desert Fireball Network (DFN), a network of cameras used to observe shooting stars and predict where meteorites will land in Australia.
The DFN team usually starts the search in March, but gets delayed due to COVID-19. When the lockdown policy was relaxed, they also observed a meteorite fall south of the Eyre Highway near Madura.
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Astronomer Dr. Hadrien Devillepoix and planetary geologist, Dr. Anthony Lagain initially carried out a reconnaissance mission to assess the site of the latest meteorite crash near Madura and took pictures of the area using a drone.
However, walking back to the car, Dr. Devillepoix said that there was a meteorite lying on the ground before their eyes.
“I thought Anthony was joking me by putting down a fake meteorite. However, upon taking a closer look, it was clear evidence that was about the size of a fist. The 1.1 kilometer rock is the meteorite we are looking for, "said Dr. Devillepoix.
Dr. Devillepoix explained that even though the rock was so close to the search position, the team didn't expect to find it so quickly.
"Most meteorites contain metallic iron, much more than Earth's rocks. This is why meteorites usually attract magnets, or make compasses do not work properly," said Dr. Devillepoix.
"However, the meteorite we found didn't interfere with the compass needle. It's really interesting. The next step is to find out why this happened and what makes this meteorite so different from what was previously known," he added.
Not only can they calculate the landing location, the cameras used by researchers can also know where the meteorites came from. "Meteorites are in the orbit of Aten. That means, before falling to Earth, meteorites spend most of their time in the innermost solar system, between Venus and Earth," explained Dr. Devillepoix.
"This type of orbit is unusual because most of the meteorites came from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter," he said.
Two weeks later, Dr. Martin Towner, head of team operations, led six people to search for a meteorite at the site of the meteorite crash in November 2019, to be precise, southwest of Forrest airport, Nullarbor, Australia.
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After searching for four hours, they found a 300 gram meteorite previously seen by DFN on the night of November 18, 2019.
The meteorite originates from a different orbit, pointing towards the center of the main asteroid belt. Currently, the research team is working to unravel what secrets the two stones have.
Researchers can learn more about meteorites on Earth by analyzing data collected by DFN cameras. This camera continuously takes pictures of the sky at night. When more than one camera station detects a fireball, the researchers are notified. They analyzed the data, learned more about the ball and tried to find it.
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Evidence of Human Sacrifice Rituals Found in Ancient City of Shimao
For decades, villagers in the hills of Loess Plateau, China, believed that the crumbling stone wall near their home was part of the Great Wall of China.
This makes sense because the remains of an ancient barrier meanders through this arid region within the northern circle of the Yellow River, marking the frontier of Chinese rule that stretches for more than 2,000 years.
However, when a team of Chinese archaeologists came to investigate the puzzle several years ago, they began to discover something amazing and baffling. The stones are not part of the Great Wall of China but the ruins of a majestic fortress city.
Excavations by archaeologists have uncovered more than six miles of protective walls surrounding the 230-foot pyramid and inner sanctum with mural paintings and jade artifacts. What attracts the most attention is the evidence of ritual human sacrifice.
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The most gruesome discovery was under the eastern wall of the city. Namely 80 human skulls collected in six holes.
The two openings closest to the East Gate, the city's main entrance, each contain exactly 24 skulls.
The number and placement of the skulls represent ritual decapitation during the laying of the foundation of the wall — the earliest known example of human sacrifice in Chinese history.
Forensic scientists determined that nearly all of the victims were young girls, most likely prisoners belonging to opposing groups.
"The scale of ritual violence observed at Shimao was unprecedented in early China," said Li Min, an archaeologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, on the National Geographic page.
The skulls at Shimao depict massive human sacrifice that Li calls "the defining attributes of the Shang civilization." This was until centuries later (from about 1600 to 1046 BC) before subsequent dynasties ended the practice.
Before excavations were suspended earlier this year due to the coronavirus pandemic, archaeologists found 70 stunning relief sculptures in rock - shaped like snakes, monsters and a half-human beast that resembled Bronze Age iconography in China.
Even more astonishingly, carbon dating determines that this section of Shimao, as the site is called (real name unknown), dates back 4,300 years, nearly 2,000 years - before the Great Wall of China was created and 500 years before Chinese civilization took over, according to the National Geographic website.
Shimao thrived in this seemingly remote region for nearly half a millennium before disappearing suddenly or being abandoned.
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Hunting for Karl Marx's Original Tomb in the City of London
If while visiting the city of London, England, you feel bored with Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben or a series of museums, maybe this place can be an alternative tourist location.
The place is Highgate Cemetery, aka Highgate Cemetery, which is located on the north side of London. Excursions to the cemetery? Why not, because Highgate Cemetery isn't just any grave.
Apart from being beautifully and beautifully appointed, this tomb is also a place to "reside" one of the most famous figures in world history, namely the initiator of the ideology of socialism, Karl Marx.
The 15-hectare night which was officially used in 1839 is divided into east and west sides separated by a small road.
Highgate Cemetery now houses 53,000 tombs which are the final resting places for at least 170,000 bodies. However, the most famous and most visited tomb is the tomb of Karl Marx.
One afternoon, Kompas.com took the time to visit this famous tomb, with Anton Alifandi, a former journalist, who has lived in London for more than 20 years.
We had to traverse the beautiful Waterlow Gardens to reach the cemetery. Upon arriving at the end of the park, the east side of Highgate immediately emblazoned the typical face of Karl Marx at the entrance
And it turns out, to "bloom" to the tomb of Karl Marx is not free. Visitors are charged a rate of 4 pounds, or around Rp. 80,000 per person.
Having to pay was a joke when we bought the entrance ticket.
"This is called capitalizing socialism," said Anton, who was greeted by laughter from the ticket office.
After buying tickets and taking a map, we then headed to the location of the monument in memory of Karl Marx, which is less than 100 meters from the entrance.
After walking for about five minutes, on the right side of the path that goes along Kompas.com, you can see a monument complete with a bust of Karl Marx.
Several visitors were seen at the place, taking photos and placing garlands on the floor of the monument.
On the monument is the inscription "Workers of all lands unite" or "Workers of the world, unite", which has become the jargon of the worldwide left.
! break!
Not a real tomb
We then followed a small paved road that was cut around the cemetery, while the paths extended into the "hinterland" of the cemetery which was covered with lush trees that closely resembled a forest.
Halfway through, we realized that the direction we had taken was wrong and would not lead us to the original tomb of the author of Das Kapital.
Finally we both searched again from the starting point which is the bust of Karl Marx and tried the many walking trails that are available in that place.
After about 30 minutes of searching, we finally found the real tomb belonging to this famous figure. In that place, we met a couple of local tourists who were looking for the original tomb of the philosopher.
The tomb was simple, just a layer of gray, cracked concrete with faded, hard to read writing on it.
A line of lines can still be read, albeit with difficulty, that states that Karl Marx's body was transferred to a new tomb in November 1956.
It has no country
When he died at the age of 64 on March 14, 1883, Karl Marx had the status of stateless. His funeral at Highgate on 17 March 1883 was attended by only 11 mourners who were Marx's closest friends, one of whom was Friederich Engels.
In November 1954, Marx's body; his wife, Jenny von Westphaen; her daughter, Eleanor and her two grandsons Harry Longuet and Helena Demuth, were moved to a new location which is now a tourist point in London.
The memorial to Karl Marx at his new tomb was inaugurated on March 14, 1956 and the British Communist Party completed the monument with Laurence Bradshaw's bust of Marx.
In 1970, a group of people armed with homemade bombs tried to destroy this Karl Marx monument, but the attempt failed.
After finding the original tomb of Karl Marx, we headed home. But at the exit, there is a notice board intended for visitors.
Its contents, expect visitors to make voluntary donations for the maintenance costs of the grave which reach 1,000 pounds, or around Rp 20 million a day.
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